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Complete Restorative Dental Services in Chattanooga, TN

Frank Trundle DDS is an experienced provider of restorative dental services for patients throughout the Chattanooga, TN area. We use the latest technology and most advanced treatment options to deliver high-quality care. Our goal is to provide the best solution to bring your teeth back to a healthy state and ensure you’re comfortable and happy with the results. Do you have any pain in your mouth? Are you missing teeth, or have you suffered an accident that caused a chip or crack? We have various options for these everyday situations and more. Contact us to schedule an appointment with our team.

person smiling at mirror in dentist chair

Rest Assured, We Can Treat Your Dental Concerns

There are two goals of restorative dentistry. As the name implies, a crucial component is restoring the function of the teeth and ensuring they’re strong and healthy. However, these services also aid in preventing conditions or problems from worsening, such as the spread of gum disease or the weakening of other teeth or parts of the jawbone. A healthy mouth ensures patients can eat a healthy diet, directly impacting physical wellness. While some of these issues might sound cosmetic, correcting them is essential. Our services will help restore the following:

  • Tooth Decay
  • Chipped Teeth
  • Missing Teeth
  • Infections

You Deserve a Healthy Smile

Restorative dental services at Frank Trundle DDS in Chattanooga, TN can reduce the potential for years of discomfort and additional teeth problems if common issues aren’t addressed appropriately. Most people will have some form of complication at some point in their life, and our team is here to provide thoughtful and compassionate care for the best outcomes. Contact us to schedule an appointment today.

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