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To begin- I have a great anxiety level when it comes to dentists. Dr. Trundle’s office is super friendly, professional and made me extremely comfortable. I had a very good experience here. Highly recommended!

Sara K.

Dr Trundle helped me with a detached temporal. I was not his patient, arrived without appointment and explained my emergency. He accommodated me between patients and helped me in a timely manner with my emergency. He was very kind and knowledgeable. His staff were all friendly and treated me like one of his best patients. Can’t be more thankful. I recommend you to have him as your dentist.


Thank you Dr Trundle for working me in. Everyone was so sweet. I had a seizure and bit my tongue very hard.

Beth S.

I have used Dr. Trundle for about 10 years now. He's always friendly & helpful as well as the staff. I highly recommend him!

Mae I.

They are awesome. But don't be late or you will have to wait for next first available appointment.

John B.

One of the best dentists in Chattanooga, as was his father before him!

James D.

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